School drug testing programs consist of a written policy, faculty drug identification program, student education program, student assistance program, and a drug testing program (Randoms, reasonable suspicion testing etc). RedArrowOnline provides the tools you need to manage a legally defensible random selection program as well as help manage effective follow up testing plans.

RedArrowOnline allows you to manage multiple random pool groups utilizing user definable pool group criteria. Manage random pool groups by grade level or athletic department or any other demographic you choose.

Variable random algorithms allow you to select from pure random selections where every student has equal chance to be selected each time you run a random or by composite random where the program can apply weight to anyone previously selected for a random to reduce the chance that they will be selected in future draws.

RedArrowOnline allows for the use of student IDs, social security numbers or any other identifier.

Statistical reports can help analyze and identify you drug testing program for effectiveness and help identify patterns and trends within the school.